Thanks so much for your interest in Scott and his work.
Without exception, the best way to submit a request is to email .
All requests should include:
- your name and contact information
- your timelines and deadlines
- a specific request
Other relevant information to include may be listed in each category below.
Please note advanced notice of at least ninety days gives us the best chance to incorporate requests into Scott’s schedule. As early as possible is best.

The Eyebrow of Døøm awaits you
Emailing Scott directly can cause delays in getting your request addressed. Requests tweeted, Facebooked, G+-ed, YouTubed, LinkedIn-ed or otherwise submitted may not be received and should be redirected to this email address.
Please note that contacting Scott directly will not circumvent this process, regardless of what Scott says when you ask.
Owing to Scott’s writing schedule, he is currently essentially unavailable for guest blogging, pro bono writing or guest audio work. Queries are welcome, but understand in advance it’s unlikely Scott will be able to accommodate these requests.
If you are interested in hiring Scott to write fiction or non-fiction or do audio work for you, please include the following details in your request: desired topic, theme, or genre; suggested length and deadline for submission and payment rates and timelines.
As above, owing to Scott’s writing schedule and obligations as a publisher, he is unable to read unsolicited works, and cannot comment on a work without reading it first. Any requests for blurbs must be routed through Byrd Leavell at United Talent Agency.
Unsolicited works received will be discarded unread.
Scott is available for interviews as his writing schedule permits. Due to the nature of his writing habits, email interviews are generally best as he is better able to incorporate these into his workday. Interviews by phone or by Skype are also available if more limited. By phone or by Skype interviews will be approximately 15 minutes in duration. Scott is unable to join your live podcast recording for it’s duration, but can join for a short segment recording as arranged.
In-person interviews are infrequently available due to scheduling constraints, but are somewhat more likely (with advance notice) at conventions and during book publicity. If your request is urgent and/or time-sensitive, please note that in the subject line of your email.
When submitting your interview request, please provide the following information: what publication you’re interviewing Scott on behalf of, the expected time commitment (not to exceed 15 minutes for phone or video based interviews) your deadline, and what format you’d like (email, Skype, or phone.)
Please note Scott receives many requests from students working on school projects and new writers seeking advice. He is unfortunately unable to address them all individually. It is best if you first take a peek at the FAQ in the About section, for information on Scott’s podcasting past, advice for writers, and general information about Scott himself. If you are interested in Scott’s writing advice, his series “So You Wanna Be A Writer” on YouTube might be of help.
Scott is available for general appearances, guest appearances at conferences and conventions, and speaking engagements. Frequent topics include writing, science in science fiction, podcasting, building an audience using social media, independent publishing, and pop culture.
Scott attends several conventions and conferences each year, including writing and publishing conferences, education symposiums, science festivals, science fiction and horror conventions and we’re happy to consider having him attending yours.
Unless the appearance is local, hosts are expected to pay for travel expenses and if applicable, appearance fees. Appearance fees are dependent on the nature of the hosting event, and are determined on a case-by-case basis. Educational outreach opportunities are especially welcomed, as are opportunities to give back to service men and women.
When submitting your appearance request, please provide the following information: date and time of the event, and details about the hosting organization, specific details of his requested participation.
You can see the current list of Scott’s appearances here.
Please review submission guidelines here.
Scott does not accept unsolicited materials for review. Any manuscripts or books sent to him (in any format) will be discarded unread, and will not be tracked or returned.
Scott is unable to accept any foodstuffs or packages containing snacks or candy. These will be discarded untouched.
If you wish to mail something to be signed and returned, Scott would be happy to accommodate. Please first drop us a line so we may provide the appropriate shipping address and information.
All other mail should be sent to the following address:
Empty Set EntertainmentPO Box 13104La Jolla, CA 92039
If your request is not covered here, please drop us a line with your request and information.
This information and it’s format owes a spiritual debt to John Scalzi’s graceful administrivia and we are grateful for the guidance.