Results of our survey about other methods to get your Sigler Fix™

Results of our survey about other methods to get your Sigler Fix™

We ran a survey asking Junkies how they want their storytime goods. The answers surprised me a bit. We had 286 responses, which is freakin' fantastic (that's because Junkies are freakin' fantastic, so, ergo, data thrust* was strong, son, real strong). 

That's a girthy amount of respondents, enough for me to make some big decisions going forward. Lemme give you the digits (in percentage of respondents), then I'll explain:

Respondents could select multiple formats. So, if Junkie X wants her weekly podcast episode, and wanted the final print book, and wants to buy the finished, ad-free Audible audiobook, she selected those three options.

No shocker that 90% of you want the weekly podcast. That's how many of you learned about my fine posterior in the first place. Seeing as we're now running ads against our podcasts, Poppa gon' get a little back-end scratch. A win-win for all.

Fiddy-eight percent of y'all want the finished print/eBook, and fiddy-four percent of you want the finished Audiobook. Boom. We'll continue to serve up your pie in these formats.

Then things started to surprise me. One of the reasons for this poll was to explore Substack as a means for slapping you upside the noggin with online print versions of each weekly episode, either read at or received as an email. Just over over 20% of you wanted this. Ask and ye shall receive — my just-getting-started Substack feed is now available. It'll be a bit before I get that fully updated and looking snazzy, but if you want it now, have at it.

Just under 20% of you want video of me reading the story to you. That's coming in 2024, or possibly late in 2023. We have video for all SLAY live-reads thus far, with the mistakes edited out, it's just a matter of getting those processed and posted. Not something I have time for at the moment. If you want to see me read live to your face, just tune in to the SIGLERinPLACE livestreams on Wednesdays, 6pm PT / 9pm ET. You can hang out with other Junkies in the chat room. It's a hoot. 

Then, the surprise — zero percent were interested in receiving the weekly story text directly from me, or reading the weekly text at this very website. So, 20% of you want Substack to email it to you (or read it at Substack), yet 0% want me to send the exact same content (or read it at my site)? Whatever, brah, I just work here. Consider these two options toast.

I'm all like Google, retiring products at will, except I didn't launch these products in the first place. Saves time. Think about it.

So there you have it. Survey complete. Substack launched. Time for a Bud Light.

* "Data Thrust" is a term I just made up because it sounds naughty.

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