This year is the 20th anniversary of the first season of FRIENDS. Yes-yes, I know, you
hate that show, you find it insipid and dumb — and yet you've watched several dozen episodes, and felt bad about yourself for laughing along with them. I loved the show. I couldn't stand David Schwimmer's role, but hey, five out of six ain't bad. To this day, when I want to level a little comedic sexual innuendo, I'll waggle my eyebrows and say: "Hew ... how
you doin'?"

ut little did you know that there was a half-season of episodes that were lost in a bizarre thresher accident (workplace safety on Iowa farms, amiright?). Thank goodness your FDØ has the means and the motive to uncover theses delightful bits of Manhattan madcapness. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the episodes themselves, just a list of their names. I present to you, "The Lost FRIENDS Episodes."
The One Where Joey Fondles the Llama.
The One Where Rachel Slips Acid Into the Gang's Coffee.
The One Where Ross Commits Seppuku.
The One Where Chandler Turns Cannibal.
The One With Monica's Shrine to Fidel Castro.
The One Where Phoebe Plays With A Ouija Board, Gets Possessed, And Goes Wilding In Central Park.
The One Where Gunther Is Born Again And Pickets The Gays.
The One Where Joey Gets Shot In The Buttocks.
The One With Monica's Intervention For Anorexia.
The One Where Ursula Butchers Phoebe & Takes Her Place, Then Feeds Phoebe To The Unwitting Gang With Some Favre Beans And A Nice Chianti.
And the Very Special Two-Part Season Finale:
Part 1: The One Where Ross's Monkey Goes Fucking Rabid (And Rips Off Chandler's Junk)
Part 2: The One Where Chandler Has No Junk