Embarassing Scott Photos #5

Embarassing Scott Photos #5

As we continue in our riveting series of my checkered past, we dive into the college years. This is one of the few pics I have of my "band days" in college. Full-on goatee, and yeah, at one point I had long hair. I was playing bass in a band called "Kid Rhitalin." We named it thus because three of the four guys were on or had been prescribed for Ritalin. Hence, the picture above of me being a bit hyper is quite fitting.

The makers of Ritalin sent us a cease-and-desist letter, believe it or not -- after just one show. This is pre-internet days, so we're pretty sure some douchebag from the local drugstore saw a flier, and called the company. I begged the band members to keep the name, so we could get publicity, but I was out-voted -- seems they didn't want to take on Big Pharma. Go figure.

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