[img_assist|nid=898|title=|desc=ANCESTOR is a free podcast novel at Click on the cover to get a piece!|link=none|align=left|width=144|height=212] THIS EDITION OF ANCESTOR IS OUT OF PRINT

ANCESTOR was published on April 1, 2007 from Dragon Moon Press, the publisher of great authors like Tee Morris and Jana Oliver. It blew up right out of the gate, hitting #1 on's SciFi and Horror bestseller lists. It was #7 overall on Amazon, despite the fact it had zero advertising, zero marketing, and a publicity budget of -- you guessed it -- zero. In 2007, Crown Publishing bought the rights to ANCESTOR. ANCESTOR is currently being rewritten for hardcover release by Crown in December 2009 or early 2010.


You can buy ANCESTOR at and sometimes copies are available on eBay - but watch out, they are pricey!


ANCESTOR is available as a free audiobook at - just click on the cover at left to visit Podiobook's ANCESTOR page.


On a remote island in Lake Superior, scientists struggle to solve the problem of xenotransplantation -- using animal tissue to replace failing human organs. Funded by the biotech firm Genada, Dr. Claus Rhumkorrf seeks to recreate the ancestor of all mammals.

By getting back to the root of our creation, Rhumkorrf hopes to create an animal with human internal organs. Rhumkorrf discovers the ancestor, but it is not the small, harmless creature he envisions. His genius gives birth to a fast-growing evil that nature eradicated 250 million years ago -- an evil now on the loose, and very, very hungry.


"From ultra high-tech labs of bleeding-edge biotech to snow-blinded islands haunted by our own genetic past, Scott Sigler takes you on a page-turning ride into real fear and adventure. Ancestor starts with a literal bang and builds to a desperate climax that will keep you guessing."

David Wellington
: author of "Monster Island" and "13 Bullets"

"This is a well-written book. I recommend it if you're looking for a fast-paced action story."

Steve Sawicki:

"From where I stand, Sigler is at the top of the tree."

Jason Bradbury: BBC

"What you get in a Sigler novel is action after action after action. "

Steve Mazey
: Eternal Night

"If you are a reader who appreciates a near-perfect blend of hard science and hard-hitting action, expect both in Scott Sigler's masterful thriller, ANCESTOR

A.M. Stickel: Black Petals Magazine

"ANCESTOR infects the imagination and races forward through a tail of genetic manipulation gone awry.

Jeremy Robinson: Bestselling author of "Raising the Past"

"This is Robin Cook re-writing ALIENS. Strap yourself in for this intense warning of what genetic science can unleash. Prepare yourself for the ancestors."

Tee Morris:
Author of "The Morevi Saga"

"ANCESTOR is a cautionary thriller along the lines
of Frankenstein warning readers that science without moral
considerations is dangerous to all mankind."

Harriet Klausner
,'s #1 reviewer

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