Sheltering in Place? Free eBooks for you & yours!

Sheltering in Place? Free eBooks for you & yours!

On March 24, 2005, Scott released his first podcast (episode 1 of EARTHCORE). Here we are, fifteen years later, still kicking out weekly content. To celebrate our crystal anniversary, we're giving away a crap-ton of eBooks in hopes Scott's work can help entertain people sidelined by the CORONA-19 pandemic.

Click here to download the 12-book bundle

This is a .zip file that contains the books, which themselves are .zips containing ePub and Mobi formats (one book is just a PDF). It's tricky to open .zips on a smartphone, so be ready to open these on a computer in order to get them onto your phone. 15th Anniversary Book BundleWhat? Don't know how to read ePub? Here's a handy article by Tim Fisher at Livewire to walk you through it. Scott has always said the goal of his work is to help people escape their real-world troubles, if only for a few minutes at a time. Whether you've read these works or not, feel free to share them with anyone you know who is affected by the pandemic. Money is tight for a lot of people, and many of those same people have an unexpected bit of time on their hands. We hope these books give people a momentary break from their difficulties. We gave away a similar bundle to celebrate our 10th anniversary as well (sheesh, where does the time go?). We've updated several of these books to fix minor issues — these are the latest and greatest. We'll do our part by keeping this download link live until this crisis is behind us. You all do your part by staying in, staying safe and Spreading the Stank™ from a reasonable social distance! Our partnership with AuthorLoyalty made it possible to get updated files for this bundle. Plus, they have sweetened the pot by offering a passel of free audiobooks. Feel free to share these with your friends and family. The only way out is through, and we've got to get through it together. INCLUDED IN THIS BUNDLE:
  • THE ROOKIE eBook
  • THE ALL-PRO eBook
  • THE MVP eBook
  • THE RIDER eBook
  • BLOOD is RED eBook
  • BONES are WHITE eBook
  • A sneak peek PDF of the first fifty pages of EARTHCORE
AN PANDEMIC UPDATE ON OUR SITUATION: We are both currently well, and sheltering in place for the foreseeable future to help protect our friends and family who are at higher risk. Our online store is open, but any physical product shipment will be delayed at least until mid-April due to the responsible guidelines in place in California. We won't ship until we can do so safely. PS: The Dogs of Døøm think that shelter in place is the best thing ever.
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