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SLAY Episode 84: Under the Bridge
Billy, Lincoln, and Dragon have set up shop under the Bendleson Bridge, which spans the wide Luminaria River. There, they waited for nightfall, when the nocturnal monsters known as lagrounes...
SLAY Episode 84: Under the Bridge
Billy, Lincoln, and Dragon have set up shop under the Bendleson Bridge, which spans the wide Luminaria River. There, they waited for nightfall, when the nocturnal monsters known as lagrounes...

DEEP CUTS Episode 38: Information Sharing in Storytelling
On this week’s episode, Scott and A talk about how storytellers deftly share important information, and how exposition sometimes goes wrong. Scott talks about his tools and tips to keep...
DEEP CUTS Episode 38: Information Sharing in Storytelling
On this week’s episode, Scott and A talk about how storytellers deftly share important information, and how exposition sometimes goes wrong. Scott talks about his tools and tips to keep...

SLAY Episode 83: Swamp Water
Billy and Lincoln go after a bounty together for the first time, with Dragon along for the trip. But before they can complete the job, they have a run-in with...
SLAY Episode 83: Swamp Water
Billy and Lincoln go after a bounty together for the first time, with Dragon along for the trip. But before they can complete the job, they have a run-in with...

DEEP CUTS Episode 37: Scott’s Characters Ask Scott Questions
Oh, what fresh hell is this? Scott’s fans sent in questions for Scott’s characters to ask Scott. Things absolutely got nuts; no Perry pun intended.
DEEP CUTS Episode 37: Scott’s Characters Ask Scott Questions
Oh, what fresh hell is this? Scott’s fans sent in questions for Scott’s characters to ask Scott. Things absolutely got nuts; no Perry pun intended.

SLAY Episode 82: Three’s Company
Billy lied about how he's growing his new power, Lincoln is lying about his whereabouts, and Magda is just plain lying to herself. When they all get caught out at...
SLAY Episode 82: Three’s Company
Billy lied about how he's growing his new power, Lincoln is lying about his whereabouts, and Magda is just plain lying to herself. When they all get caught out at...

DEEP CUTS Episode 36: Emergency Preparedness
Twenty minutes' notice to evacuate due to a nearby emergency? That’s what happened at Empty Set last week due to wildfire. Scott & A talk about that experience, emergency preparedness,...
DEEP CUTS Episode 36: Emergency Preparedness
Twenty minutes' notice to evacuate due to a nearby emergency? That’s what happened at Empty Set last week due to wildfire. Scott & A talk about that experience, emergency preparedness,...

SLAY Episode 81: Stray Rat Strut
Billy’s trip to Cordis goes south — and by “South,” we mean some violent stuff happens. Speaking of violence, Linc targets Ariella for payback. Meanwhile, Lukas is being radicalized by...
SLAY Episode 81: Stray Rat Strut
Billy’s trip to Cordis goes south — and by “South,” we mean some violent stuff happens. Speaking of violence, Linc targets Ariella for payback. Meanwhile, Lukas is being radicalized by...

DEEP CUTS Episode 35: NFL Analogs for GFL Players
What NFL players this season best represent Galactic Football League players? Is there an analog for Becca the Wrecka and Quentin Barnes? We discuss our picks for all your favorites...
DEEP CUTS Episode 35: NFL Analogs for GFL Players
What NFL players this season best represent Galactic Football League players? Is there an analog for Becca the Wrecka and Quentin Barnes? We discuss our picks for all your favorites...

SLAY Episode 80: Up In Da Club
Despite the Old Stone Church crew’s recent successes, Lincoln remains beholden to Callista. He must pay her a visit and make a critical payment of magical treasure.
SLAY Episode 80: Up In Da Club
Despite the Old Stone Church crew’s recent successes, Lincoln remains beholden to Callista. He must pay her a visit and make a critical payment of magical treasure.