SLAY Episode 18.5: Fan questions that could change the course of the story!

SLAY Episode 18.5: Fan questions that could change the course of the story!

Scott had a bookstore appearance for THE HITHERTO SECRET EXPERIMENTS OF MARIE CURIE on Wednesday, so there was no livestream, hence, no live-read of SLAY, hence, no story episode this week (that’s a lot of hences, fam). So, the FDØ sat down with ARealGirl Herself to answer some great Junkie questions about SLAY. Will these questions impact the direction of the story?

  Also, FDØ explains why you can’t see his work on yet, and some info on what’s going on with Empty Set Entertainment.

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Hi Joe, this is a test, we’re testing the comment response feature. Please respond to this if you get a prompt via email.


Slay – Great story and a fun experiment to boot!
Since you have expressed an interest in reader input I’ll throw this out.

IF Lil Peen survives and IF the Ms Lawyer lady does as well … hoping she takes him under her wing to become a lawyer. What with his gift of gab and all.
What’s in it for her? By the end of this tale, he will somehow end up owing her a $ debt that he will only EVER be able to pay back if he starts making a lawyers income!

Thanks for the decades of great content sir. You have wormed your way into my life the way no AI could ever do!


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