Teddy Two-Fingers kidnapped Delilah Droman from her father’s mansion in Barron Heights. Teddy is holding her captive at his “nightmare factory,” located deep underground in parts unknown, where he and Hiamana are training her to be the factory’s foreman.
Delilah is trying to find a way to escape or to get a message to Lincoln, as she believes Lincoln will rescue her.
Lincoln was at Stoolie’s Bar & Grill, looking for Lupo and Booty Shooty, accomplices of the recently deceased Thoko Chikondi. Lincoln hopes they know where Teddy’s hideout is. Teddy, somehow, called Lincoln at the bar and poured salt in Lincoln’s wounds, driving Lincoln to start drinking the free shots offered by Maylene, a bartender there.
Lincoln did not tell Magda, Ariella, or Billy where he was going, and he shut off his connection with Magda’s meshwork ear cuff. He’s been gone for hours, and they have no idea where he is.