BLOOD IS RED Episode 1

BLOOD IS RED Episode 1

In the time before man, one animal ruled the Americas – the wolf. Wolf packs roamed the continent, hunting and killing, and breeding. But before any wolf ever saw the death that would walk on two legs, there came another danger...

Hey Scott... Why Podacst This Particular Book?

So here we are again, with the start of another book's podcast run. This book happens to be BLOOD IS RED, the first volume in my Color Series of short story anthologies.

If you listened to the now-completed SLAY Season One podcast, or watch our weekly Wednesday livestreams (6pm PT, 9pm ET, links at the bottom of this post), you may have heard me say we were gearing up to release never-before-podcast short stories. 

We lied.

Naw, not really. We course-corrected due to obligations and new information, but that sounds like a tossed-word-salad so I'll just take the "L."

We last podcast this anthology's short stories in my main feed in 2012. So while they ain't "never-before podcast," they are a pristine lil' gem of some of my earliest work. 

We also run a business, and that business is two-fold: books and podcasting. We're backed up big-time on the book front, with WARPATH in progress, GFL Book VII final draft coming up, and I'm behind on starting the second book in THE CRYPT series. If I'm writing new stuff to podcast, that's one day a week where I'm not working on those novels. If I'm producing the new stories for DEATH IS BLACK, that's time I'm not spending working on those novels.

In short, this is a business decision. We want to get short stories into the feed, and we need time to focus on writing three novels. BLOOD IS RED solves both problems.

So, am I a L-L-W-T-L, as Pookie Chang from NOCTURNAL would say? You be the judge of that.

Got something to say? Lemme hear it in the comments below.

We stream most Wednesdays at 6pm PT / 9pm ET / 1am GMT. I often read a story live for the first half-hour, then ARealGirl and I blab about what's-what in the world of Siglerism for the last half-hour. The chat room is always jumping with your fellow Junkies. You can watch on

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